LOL Browser lets you quickly view the numerous sites that make the internet a source for laughs and lulz. Additionally, you are able to submit your own hilarious photos to these sites, share any of the images with your friends, or even just save to your SD card for later! If you would like another site added to this app, don't hesitate to contact me :)</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">LOL浏览器可让您快速浏览大量的网站,使互联网的笑和lulz的来源。此外,你可以自己搞笑的照片提交到这些网站,与您的朋友分享任何图像,甚至只是保存到你的SD卡后!如果你想其他网站加入到这个程序,不要犹豫,联系我:)</div> <div class="show-more-end">